What’s Wrong with the New eFootball Update: A Gen Z Breakdown

So, the new eFootball update dropped, and let’s just say, it’s got the community feeling some type of way. Like, if we were expecting a fire upgrade, what we got was more like someone accidentally set off the sprinklers at the party. You know that moment when hype meets disappointment? Yeah, that’s basically what’s going down right now. Here’s the real deal, fam — no filter, just facts.

Glitch City

Alright, let’s kick it off with the fact that this update basically turned eFootball into a glitch fest. I’m talking full-on glitch city. Lag spikes? Oh, they’re here and they’re killing the vibe. You’re trying to make that game-winning move, and suddenly it’s like you’re on Wi-Fi from 2010, buffering right when you need things to stay smooth. It’s like the game can’t decide if it wants to load or just freeze-frame your loss.

A. Mini Glitches:

  • Player shadows randomly disappearing mid-game.
  • Crowds occasionally freeze like they’ve been paused.
  • Corner flag animations bugging out during intense moments.

B. Goal Celebrations Bugged:

  • Players celebrating in the wrong direction, facing the crowd.
  • Duplicate players appearing during celebrations, like an awkward clone moment.
  • Delayed celebrations that happen long after the goal is scored.

C. Replay Cam Freakouts:

  • Cameras clipping through the stadium during replays.
  • Zoomed-in shots that miss the action entirely.
  • Slow-motion replays stuttering like a bad internet connection.

And it doesn’t stop there. We’ve got invisible walls popping up in random spots, blocking shots like some ghost defenders from a cursed copy of FIFA ‘99. Imagine lining up the perfect goal, only for your ball to bounce off air like there’s some force field in the way. Players are yeeting the ball, and then — bam! — it’s like the Matrix out here, bending reality and your patience.

Nerfed Graphics

The graphics? Bruh, where do we even start? It’s like the devs thought, “Hey, let’s make this look retro but not in a cool, nostalgic way — more like a Minecraft meets budget simulator vibe.” You’re out here playing on a PS5, expecting HD glory, and what you get instead looks like someone threw a low-res filter over the whole game. The players? Blocky and basic, like they belong in a different century of gaming.

A. Lighting Issues:

  • Odd shadows on player faces that look more creepy than realistic.
  • Night games that are too dark, making it hard to see.
  • Overexposed daylight matches where everything looks washed out.

B. Texture Problems:

  • Patches of grass loading in late during matches.
  • Player hair looking plastic instead of natural.
  • Ball textures glitching, making it look like it’s from an old game.

C. Weather Effects:

  • Rain effects disappearing during gameplay but showing up in replays.
  • Snow that looks more like falling confetti.
  • Wind effects that don’t interact with the environment at all.

Stadiums? Don’t even think about it. You’ve got all this next-gen power, but somehow eFootball’s giving you arenas that feel like they’re straight out of an early PS2 title. The lighting is flat, the crowds are lifeless blobs, and the grass on the pitch? Looks more like a green texture from a 2005 mod than anything realistic. It’s like the game got nerfed down to a basic graphics pack, and we’re all left wondering what happened to the high-end visuals we were promised.

Pay-to-Win Woes

Now let’s talk cash grabs. Remember when games were just about skill and not about who could flex their credit card the hardest? Well, eFootball missed that memo. Microtransactions are out here acting like they’re in a mobile game, draining your wallet faster than a late-night snack run. You thought you could just vibe and play? Nah, son, not when you’re hit with endless prompts to spend real money to get ahead.

A. Free Rewards Limited:

  • Daily login rewards feeling underwhelming and basic.
  • In-game challenges giving minimal currency.
  • Event rewards not matching the effort required to complete them.

B. Unbalanced Matchmaking:

  • Free players constantly matched against pay-to-win squads.
  • Difficulty spikes when playing against paid teams.
  • Rewards favoring players who spend money rather than skill.

C. Cosmetic Items Paywalled:

  • Exclusive kits locked behind expensive bundles.
  • Player animations only available in premium packs.
  • Stadium upgrades gated behind large purchases.

And let’s not even talk about those legendary players. You know, the ones you idolized growing up? Yeah, they’re behind a paywall thicker than a castle fort. You want them? Time to cough up the dough or spend hours grinding for the tiniest chance. Meanwhile, some kid down the street just drops a casual $50 and builds a god squad. It’s like eFootball’s saying, “Sure, you can play for free, but if you wanna actually compete, better get your wallet ready.”

Movement Mechanics Got No Sauce

Now, let’s talk about movement mechanics, or should I say, the complete lack of sauce. Dribbling? It feels like your player’s moving through a pool of jelly while wearing concrete shoes. There’s zero flow. You want that smooth, crispy dribble through defenders? Forget it. It’s more like “Whoops, let me awkwardly trip over my own feet” because the response times are about as slow as that one guy in your squad chat who’s always late.

A. Passing Mechanics:

  • Passes lacking precision, often going to unintended players.
  • Long passes floating like balloons instead of driving to the target.
  • Quick passes feeling sluggish and delayed.

B. Shooting Inconsistencies:

  • Power shots often lacking the expected force.
  • Close-range shots going wide for no apparent reason.
  • Chip shots feeling clunky and not lofting properly.

C. Defensive Movement:

  • Tackling animations taking too long to activate.
  • Players feeling stuck in place when trying to block shots.
  • Defensive pressure being slow to respond to quick dribblers.

Turning in this update? Bro, it’s like trying to steer a semi-truck on black ice. There’s no finesse. You’re out here hitting the analog stick, hoping for some sharp, quick turns, and instead, your player feels like they’ve got a broken GPS. You’re practically yelling at your screen, wondering why your guy won’t just turn like a normal athlete. It’s got you questioning if these players even know how to move.

Broken AI

The AI in this update? Yo, it’s straight-up busted. I’m talking defenders who seem to have the IQ of a potato. You’re out here trying to set up plays, and your defenders are just standing there like they forgot how to football. The ball zips past them, and they’re like, “Oh, was that my guy?” It’s frustrating AF because you can’t even trust your own team to do basic things like, I don’t know, defend?

A. Goalkeeper Positioning:

  • Goalkeepers coming off their line at random, leaving the net wide open.
  • Slow reactions to shots, even when the ball is close.
  • Difficulty with handling crosses, often punching the ball into danger.

B. Midfield AI Problems:

  • Midfielders not tracking back when the team is defending.
  • Poor positioning during set pieces, leaving large gaps.
  • Failure to control possession, leading to unnecessary turnovers.

C. Attackers’ Mistakes:

  • Strikers running offside constantly.
  • Wingers not making enough forward runs, staying static instead.
  • Poor decisions in front of goal, opting to pass when they should shoot.

But here’s the kicker — the opponent’s AI is on a whole other level. These bots are pulling off moves that feel like they’ve hacked the game. You’re stuck with potato defenders, but the opposition is out here doing slick tricks and perfect passes like they’re some football gods. It’s like you’re playing two different games, and you’re stuck in the losing one.

Server Meltdowns

Ah, the servers. The backbone of any online game. Except, in this case, the backbone’s feeling more like jelly. Ranked matches are supposed to be where you flex your skills, right? Well, good luck with that when the servers are lagging out right when you’re in the clutch moments. You’re about to score that winning goal, and boom — lag spike. Now, instead of celebrating, you’re raging at your screen, wondering why eFootball can’t just work properly.

A. Match Freezes:

  • Random freezes during critical moments in the match.
  • Server timeouts causing matches to pause awkwardly.
  • Scoreboard not updating properly after disconnects.

B. Post-Match Issues:

  • Match results not saving, forcing you to replay the same game.
  • Connection errors during post-match screens.
  • Stats not recording after server drops, leading to progress loss.

C. Friend Matches Lagging:

  • Private matches lagging worse than ranked games.
  • Unable to reconnect with friends after a match drops.
  • Cross-platform matches suffering from heavy lag and sync issues.

Disconnects? Oh yeah, they’re back and they’re worse than ever. You’re on that undefeated streak, grinding your way to the top, and suddenly, the server says, “Nah, fam, not today.” You get disconnected, and all that progress? Gone. Just like that. It’s the most rage-inducing thing ever. You spend all this time grinding, only for the servers to throw you under the bus at the worst possible moment.

Soundtrack Snoozefest

Let’s talk tunes. The soundtrack in this update? Snoozefest. Back in the day, eFootball had bangers that got you hyped for every match. Now? It’s like someone threw on a playlist full of elevator music. You’re out here trying to vibe, and instead, you’re stuck with tracks that make you feel like you’re waiting for a dentist appointment. The energy is just off. More information is available here.

A. Inconsistent Volume:

  • Music randomly getting louder during quiet moments.
  • Soundtrack overpowering commentary during cutscenes.
  • Volume fluctuations that make it hard to balance music with sound effects.

B. Repetitive Tracks:

  • Same track playing multiple times in a row during long sessions.
  • Limited variety in the playlist, making everything feel repetitive.
  • Music not changing based on match intensity, killing the vibe.

C. Missing Genres:

  • Lack of EDM tracks that used to hype up matches.
  • No hip-hop beats to keep things fresh and modern.
  • Absent rock tunes that used to add intensity to key moments.

The lack of hype beats is seriously killing the mood. Where are the fire tracks that get you amped up for a clutch play? Nowhere to be found. The whole vibe of the game feels more like background noise than something that gets your blood pumping. It’s like they forgot that the soundtrack is supposed to be part of the experience, not just filler.

UI Confusion

Finally, let’s talk about the user interface. The UI in this update feels like it was designed by someone who thinks we’re all playing 4D chess. Menus are all over the place, and navigating through them is like trying to solve a puzzle. You’re trying to customize your squad, but everything is buried behind confusing menus that make no sense. It’s like they thought we wanted a challenge just to find the settings.

SectionSub-Issue 1Sub-Issue 2Sub-Issue 3
A. NavigationMenus are hard to navigateIcons are unclearMenu layout feels disorganized
B. CustomizationCustomization settings are hiddenKit selection is buried in sub-menusTeam settings take too long to adjust
C. Clunky TransitionsSlow transitions between screensAnimations feel delayedUnresponsive button clicks
D. Misleading OptionsOptions labeled confusinglySettings don’t match their descriptionsControls mapped in an unintuitive way

Customization options? Oh, they’re in there somewhere — if you can actually find them. Everything is hidden like it’s some secret level that you need a cheat code to unlock. You just want to switch up your kits or tweak your team, but the UI’s making it a whole mission. It’s got you wondering if the devs are trolling us or if they just forgot to organize the menu.

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